They have extended the GOOD Bonus! If you sign up before the end of April and qualify at the diamond level in 3 full calendar months, you will receive a $10,000 bonus on top of a diamond commission check (which is $1900). It will be an extra $400 a month for 25 months as you maintain or exceed the diamond level. I DID go diamond in 3 months before we had the Get Out Of Debt Bonus. Let me coach you and show you how to do what I have done!
Visit for call/text Elissa at 281.414.8540
Our company is out of this world! They have been completely debt-free
since 2008 and they want the same for all of us. Fun, friendships and
FREEDOM! I don't know about you, but I would prefer an amazing
compensation plan that pays to give me the freedom of time and freedom
from debt than to be given material things that don't fit my lifestyle
or goals! They are all about giving back and they model it each and
every day.
Excited about the option to buy the It's Vital Minerals and Omega 3's separately now! Dr. Don always rocks my socks off with his knowledge of our products.
What income would change your life? Most people say $300-$500 extra a month would relieve a majority of their stress. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be at the Triple Diamond level in 6 months!
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